Sunday, February 1, 2009

Fashion Show Backdrop

It has been a long time since I started to design the backdrop of Washington-Lee High School'Fashion Show. As its set designer, I tried my best to show the theme of this fashion show-Paris, using my painting skill. I eventually chose street scene of Paris and intended to make a sense of "romance".
During the whole January, I was diligently working on this giant project. Because of the lack of canvas which can cover up the whole wall, I had to paint on pieces of paper. After several experimental strikes, I realized I was deficient in painting giant oil painting and landscape.
Seriously, I've been working on the project for a month. Within January, I constantly stayed after school and I could clearly remember that once I stayed until nine o'clock at night. On the day when school was closed because of the snowy day, I went back to school and worked as well.
The final show was completely successful. My dream was basicly realized- no matter where the audience seated, they can see the second background(the Eiffel Tower one), but only part of it, either the restaurant or the tree, without seeing the actual wall. That is the unique and magic part of my backdrop!
The show itself was totally awesome as well. Both the models and coordinators did an amazing job. That was a really fantastic night!

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